Monday, March 17, 2008

Good As Done

The Eagles defeat the Giants.

I was watching this video clip from the movie Facing the Giants last Saturday. The movie clip ends with the football team called The Eagles beating the stronger team, The Giants. The baseball commentator's voice echoed, "The Eagles has defeated the... Giants..." as if in disbelief over an unlikely turn of fate.

Then I said to myself, wait a minute. We also call ourselves Eagles. I've been going through 'some kind of depression' lately. In fact, we stopped meeting in the university for a while. I think, for 3 weeks now. It's not that I'm not committed. I am. But our meetings are becoming more burdensome than productive. I need time alone with God. Aside from the fact that a lot of personal issues I need to face seem to have suddenly resurfaced with a crucial challenge for this intense season. Religious consistency wouldn't make things better. Sometimes, we need to pause and rethink things. Or pause and be refreshed.

Eagles beats the Giants. I am no less certain that I did receive a word from God some few years ago. And inasmuch as I am in seeking and resting mode right now, I still believe that the Eagles are about to beat the giants.

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